WUSME delegation received by the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
May 22th, 2017 – In his welcome statement the Vice President of the Chamber, Mr. Ayman Abdullah Mohd Al Hasani, informed that the assistance of SMEs to establish international business partnerships has high priority. Closer cooperation with organization like WUSME are most welcome. General Secretary, Norbert Knoll von Dornhoff, emphasized in his answer that WUSME’s services for member companies comprise, among others, access to representatives in more than 70 Countries and to the United Nations Global Market.
The Chamber agreed to visit WUSME’s headquarters in San Marino in the forthcoming months to discuss a possible cooperation agreement and to send a delegation to the International WUSME SME conference in New Delhi from 3 to 6 October 2017 “Business Beyond Borders”.
Photo: WUSME received a present of friendship from Oman Chamber of Commerce
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