WUSME at the European North Africa Convention in Bordeaux
On December 15th and 16th, 2017 WUSME attended the 15th edition of the North Africa European Convention, an annual event focusing on the theme “A new dynamic for deep relationships”.
The Convention, held at the Palace of the Stock Exchange of Bordeaux with the support of the Municipality, the ICC New Aquitaine Regional Council and several working groups, was attended by over 160 companies and institutions representing France, Germany, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Being held in France since 2002, the Convention, a dynamic platform for economic exchanges, has been transferred since 2016 to Bordeaux, the Capital of the New Region of Aquitaine, precisely to strengthen the new axis of decentralized cooperation in support of enterprises. Mr. Mohamed El Ouahdoudi, WUSME Ambassador in Morocco (in the picture), was present as representative of the Organization.
During the two days of working sessions, several economic topics under consideration, such as: aquaculture as alternative to fishing, decentralized cooperation, the challenges of urbanization, financial instruments to invest in Algeria, the role of trade associations in the cooperation of the Maghreb in France, the euro med digital village and the cooperation with the New Aquitania – Maghreb Region, the challenges posed by globalization to North Africa, healthcare in North Africa.
The main theme defined for the 2018 edition is, instead, “Solutions for learning, undertaking and working together in the Europe-North Africa area”. The event will take place on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th December at the Palace of the Stock Exchange.
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