On February 5, 2024 Dr. Annie Borello Fiorilla di Santa Croce, Permanent Representative of WUSME to the UN HQ in New York City, attended the 62st Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD62).
The first day of the Conference was dedicated to the Opening of the session and a High-level panel discussion on the priority theme: “Fostering social development and social justice through social policies to accelerate progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to achieve the overarching goal of poverty eradication”.
The World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (WUSME) issued a written statement (document E/CN.5/2024/NGO/31) reaffirming its commitment to work, with all the Development Partners, to meet the aspirations of the communities across the globe.
The conclusions from the relations of all member states, organizations and entities involved, is that in order to foster development and improve social justice, particularly if a sustainable development, as opposed to occasional and ephemeral positive effects, is to be achieved, all incentives and measures need to interact organically so to increase the effect of each single measure adopted and programs enacted and extend them through all levels of civil society. Statistically fostering the work condition and professional opportunities and conditions for women, particularly, tends to produce a positive exponential effect. As Dr. Borello noted, such conclusions are perfectly in line with the recommendations often made by WUSME, and reiterated in the written statement issued in occasion of the Sixty-second Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development that has taken place during the course of this month.
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