Invitation to the SIDE EVENT and EXHIBIT of WUSME at COP28
We are delighted to invite you to attend the Official EXHIBIT and SIDE EVENT of WUSME at COP28.
The Exhibit will be held on Dec 1-3 at the BOOTH 41 in the blue zone with focus on “MSMEs and Crafts facing the energy transition: technology and financial best practices
The event will be held in collaboration with the Aspen Institute.
The WUSME delegation to COP28 will be composed of Ms. Barbara Terenzi, President of the Association, Mr. Michel Fossaert, Member of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Muhumed Hussein Diblawe, Member of the Permanent Commission for Economic and Financial Affairs.The Exhibit will be opportunity for the delegation to present the Organization, welcome international delegates, share insights and discuss collaboration opportunities.
The Side Event will be held on 3rd December, from 16:45 – 18:15, in SE Room 5 in the blue zone with title “MSMEs facing energy transition: innovative solutions in finance & technology for value chains”.
The Side Event will be led by the WUSME in association with the Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). The event will be streamed on the official UN platform and a recording will be made available on the UN YouTube channel after the event.
The panel will focus on key topics such as technology and finance solutions and best practices for energy transition and climate adaptation of SMEs and will bring together Speakers and Experts of the Partner Organizations and associated Stakeholders.
Speakers of WUSME (World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises):
Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of UNIDO ITPO Shanghai
Mr. Arthur Minsat, Head of the Africa, Europe and Middle East Unit – Senior Economist at the OECD Development Centre
Mr. Bertrand Piccard, Chairman at the Solar Impulse Foundation
Mrs. Barbara Terenzi, President of WUSME
Mr. Michel Fossaert, Dr. Lee G. Lam and Dr. J.S. Juneja, Members of the Board of Directors of WUSME
Speakers of the Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)
Mr. Ken Giultaux, Climate Change Manager at the EpE
Ms. Julia Maris, VP CSR of Engie
Mr. Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, Director at Sustainable Development of Veolia
Speakers of the Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, Executive Director of the RCREEE
Ms. Jamila Matar, Director of the Department of Energy at the League of Arab States (to be confirmed)
We invite you to come and join us.
Please contact us at info@wusme.org for any queries.
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