François Deslierres – WUSME Permanent Representative in Brussels: “It is time to recall our device: YES, WE MUST”

Written by Dr. François Deslierres – WUSME Permanent Representative in Brussels

April, 21th, 2020 – Dear ones, in despite of the present virus, the Commitments of the Commisionner-designated for the Intermal Market of the the Eurpean Union Dr. Thierry Breton and her external extensions in the World remain the same.

According to his allocution in front of the European Parliement last November: “My role will also be to protect SMEs, start-ups, and support new forms of emproyment by ensuring fair competition with giants from other continents, and in particular by ensuring that everyone enjoys social rights.
We must help SME to adapt, but also simplify their lives, by all means, so that they can grow in and through the internal market, for example by facilitating access to dedicated funding, public procurement or helping them protect their knowledge.
The five components of the SME strategy will be: the first point is removing regulatory and administrative barriers. The second point is to improve the application of the Late Payment Directive. This third point is to actively support SME bankruptcies. The third point is to actively support SME financing. And there are toos, we will increase it. The fourth point is to develop skills, especially digital skills. I said it and it’s very important. I did not talk about it before but it’s very important too: sustainability. Because, obviously, when we talk about the building, there is all that is insulation, zero energy buildings, zero CO2. That’s a lot of skills to have. This is a subject I have already discussed with Commissioner Nicolas Schmit; we are obviously going to work together on this last point. And then I say ita gain, but it’s an important topic, the SME Envoy I have not named yet, of course, I have not seen anyone yet, it’s very premature – will play a role very important to be the relay of the Commission on the ground”.

The SME’s that WUSME is engaged to support all around the WORLD will have the perfect support from Mr T. Breton and the European Commision accordingly.
It is time to recall our device: YES, WE MUST.


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