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Shafquat HAIDER

  • 1449


Shafquat Haider is the Vice President of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) and has served as Director of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) several times. He works on several of the Government of Bangladesh initiatives on skills development, including his role as the Chairman of the Industry Skills Council for ICT in Bangladesh.In South Asia, he Chairs the Council for Communication and Information Technology of SCCI.
He is the Managing Director of CIPROCO Computers Ltd., the first private sector IT company (1981) of Bangladesh – And pioneered the introduction of personal computers in the country. He is the Founding Member of the Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) and the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS).

Shafquat also pioneered and is the CEO of Consortium for Business Development Services (CBDS) with a vision to be a powerhouse to generate business solutions and to enhance pro-poor growth by enabling micro, small and medium enterprises to be more competitive.

Shafquat is now the Vice Chair of the Advisory Board, Intra-Commonwealth SME Association (ICSA), spearheaded by Commonwealth Secretariat in London, Advisory Board Member,Digital Trade Network (DTN),Geneva.In addition he is also the Governing Council Member of the National Skills Development Authority of the Prime Minister’s Office in Bangladesh.
He has represented Bangladesh in many international forums in the Far East, Middle East, Europe, USA, Africa and Australia etc.

He has been recognized as a Commercially Important Person (CIP) by the Government of Bangladesh. He has received the International Honorary Citizenship of the City of New Orleans,USA for his efforts to promote business between USA and Bangladesh.