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Joginder Singh JUNEJA

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Dr. J S Juneja has a unique experience in the public & private sector management. He is former Chairman of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) – A Government of India Enterprise and Past President of All India Management Association (AIMA) & Chairman of SME Committee (AIMA). He is Director on the Board of WUSME (World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises). He is an MBA from University of Oregon, USA and was conferred Doctoral Degree in Applied Economics from the University of Bombay. He has been Visiting Professor to the University of Rhode Island, USA and IIT, New Delhi. He is closely associated with CII and PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He has been the Chairman of SME Task Force and Africa Committee of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry and member of its Management Committee. Dr. JS Juneja is director on the Board of UNISMO – an apex SME Organization.

He has worked diligently for entrepreneurship and SME development, policy formulation & advocacy, institutional capacity building, creativity & Innovation & restructuring for over three decades. Promoting investments and joint ventures from India to other countries of Asia and Africa especially to Mauritius and Botswana. Provided management consultancy to the Governments of Egypt, UAE (Dubai), Kenya, Sri Lanka and several other countries of Asia & Africa, United Nations organizations, Commonwealth Secretariat etc. Team led by him has recently formulated MSME Policy for Djibouti and also set up an Incubation Centre in Djibouti.

Dr. Juneja has written extensively and recently authored ‘SMEs in Asian Region – Harnessing the Growth Potential’ and ‘Policy Guidebook for SME Development in Asia and Pacific’ edited and published by United Nation ESCAP and the same was released at a special function during the Asia and Pacific Business Forum at Kuala Lumpur.

Dr. Juneja set up National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBD) and has been its Founder Director wherein he conducted motivational training pragrammes to set up industries and businesses and training of trainers.

A Book on “Innovation : Key to success for Enterprises” written, edited and complied by Dr. J S Juneja and published by AIMA and released by the Hon’ble Union Minister of Railways and Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Shri. Piyush Goyal recently celebrated the time of 64th Foundation Day and 14th National Management Day of AIMA (All India Management Association) at New Delhi.

Dr. J.S.Juneja has also served on the Boards of several prestigious organizations like IIM (Indian Institute of Management) – Kolkata, IIM – Kozikot, CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), IPCL, Singer, State Bank of Patiala, ITPO, NRDC, NMDC Hyderabad and many others.

Dr. Juneja has been recipient of IMM Top Professional Manager of Year Gold Award, Udoyog Rattan Award and Punjabi Icon Award 2014 for his valuable contribution. He is also one of personalities featuring in a coffee table book on Jewels of Punjab – Leading Global Punjabi Personalities, which featured the life journey of 100 eminent Punjabi personalities who are highly influential in their respective fields (2017). AIMA has instituted an Award in his name: AIMA – Dr. J.S. Juneja Award for Creativity and Innovation in recognition of his contribution to SMEs and management development. He is a life fellow of AIMA.
