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Armando CAROLI

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Senior Management Advisor, Senior Management Trainer, Designer of training programs for companies, Journalist, Publisher.
He began his career in 1982, creating the first databases for the Internet by automatically storing and correcting encyclopedias, dictionaries, laws, codes and narratives using the first AI-based computer systems.
Founder in 1992 of the A.A.C. Consulting Professional Studio and in 2013 of A.A.C. Consulting S.r.l. Società Benefit, he has completed over 10,000 hours of management consultancy in the areas of Human Resources, Organization, Business Strategy, Enterprise Governance, IT and New Technologies, Communication, Quality, Sales and Post-Sales. He has completed over 5,200 hours of classroom teaching to entrepreneurs and managers, organized hundreds of public events, conferences and large meetings, and became a journalist in 2020.
He is the Director of the School of Management of A.A.C. Consulting S.r.l. where he designed Managerial Training Programs and 3 Masters.
Head of the ENTERPRISE ACADEMY service, he created four management schools within companies and in 2015 he won the 1st Edition of the OLIVETTI PRIZE of A.I.F. – Italian Association of Trainers – for the creation and management of the CFT Academy in Parma.
Since 2020, Director of the M&A AAC Advisory service for Mergers & Acquisitions activities in collaboration with “Territoriali di Confindustria” (Territorial Associations of Confindustria), and since the same year also Editor-in-Chief of CAPITALE INTELLETTUALE, a paper and digital magazine of corporate culture for companies, and civics and sustainability for people, published by A.A.C. Consulting since 2010. As a journalist, he has published twenty-six articles here to date and has also collaborated with Harvard Business Review.
Between 2020 and 2022 he has been the Coordinator of the Sostegno Imprese (Sustain to Enteprises) project, carried out through a series of 16 webinars with UniCredit, Microsoft and SACE to support Italian SMEs after the important change in banking rules.
Founder in 2022 of the innovative startup E.C.CO.SOS.® S.r.l. Società Benefit, whose mission is to carry out consultancy, events, statistics and training actions for the learning of civic education, civility, ethical and sustainable behavior in young people and adults.
Proboviro since 2018 in Confindustria Assoconsult, to which A.A.C. Consulting has been associated since 2013, President since 2004 of the Cineclub Armando and Maria Grazia Caroli.

For Rotary International he was Club President, a position he will hold again in 2024-2025 in the Eco Passport D2072 Club, an association he helped founding and whose vocations are Sustainability indicated in the UN Agenda 2030 Goals and international relations.
He is a Member of the Rotary District 2072 Emilia-Romagna Commissions “Ethics and Leadership” and “Training”, he has been Coordinator in 2022-2023 of the important PIGEC Service Project, “Planning and Entrepreneurship for Young People in the Circular Economy”, implemented with 5 high school classes, together with CNR – National Research Council, 7 Rotary Clubs, the Municipality of Parma and the main companies in the area, which ended with an awards ceremony in the Aula Magna of the University of Parma.
President since 2022 of Team Italia 4 Centro Nord of F.R.A.C.H. (Fellowship of Rotarians who Appreciate Cultural Heritage) which carries out international activities in the field of Cultural and Natural Heritage following the UNESCO Conventions. Team Italia 4 manages the territory of Emilia-Romagna, RSM, Marche, Umbria and Tuscany.