WUSME at COP28 (Dubai, UAE) to contribute to the climate action with a Side Event and Exhibit to be held with prominent Organizations with special focus on MSMEs
The Exhibit has been held on Dec 1-3 at the BOOTH 41 in the blue zone with a focus on “MSMEs and Crafts facing the energy transition: technology and financial best practices“. The event has been organized in collaboration with the Aspen Network of Develpment Entrepeneurs (an Initiative of the Aspen Institute).
The WUSME delegation present at COP28 was composed of Ms. Barbara Terenzi, President of the Association, Mr. Michel Fossaert, Member of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Muhumed Hussein Diblawe, Member of the Permanent Commission for Economic and Financial Affairs. The Exhibit has been opportunity for the WUSME Delegates to present the Organization, welcome international and local delegates, share insights and discuss collaboration opportunities.
The Side Event has been held on 3rd December, from 16:45 – 18:15, in SE Room 5 in the Blue Zone on the theme “MSMEs facing energy transition: innovative solutions in finance & technology for value chains”.
The Side Event has been led by WUSME in association with the Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). The event was streamed on the official UN platform and available on demand on the UN YouTube channel.
The panel focused on key topics such as technology and finance solutions and best practices for energy transition and climate adaptation of SMEs and will bring together Speakers and Experts of the Partner Organizations and associated Stakeholders.
Speakers of the World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (WUSME):
Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of UNIDO ITPO Shanghai
Mr. Arthur Minsat, Head of the Africa, Europe and Middle East Unit – Senior Economist at the OECD Development Centre
Mr. Bertrand Piccard, Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation
Mrs. Barbara Terenzi, President of WUSME
Mr. Michel Fossaert, Dr. Lee G. Lam and Dr. J.S. Juneja, Members of the Board of Directors of WUSME
Speakers of the Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE):
Mr. Ken Giultaux, Climate Change Manager at the EpE
Ms. Julia Maris, VP CSR of Engie
Mr. Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, Director at Sustainable Development of Veolia
Speakers of the Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE):
Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, Executive Director of the RCREEE
December 1, 2023
On December 1, WUSME delegates present at COP28 participated in the event organized by UNIDO in collaboration with UNFCCC at the Global Innovation Hub Pavilion on the theme “Sustainable Technological Solutions to addressing adverse effects of climate change by the artistic way.” WUSME President Ms. Barbara Terenzi met Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of the UNIDO ITPO of Shanghai and Dean of ISID Institute of Shanghai Jiao University, and the entrepreneurs presenting their innovative solutions and selected by UNIDO for the results achieved in the decarbonization objectives in the various fields.
On Dec. 1, WUSME delegation at COP28 composed of Mrs. Barbara Terenzi, Mr. Michel Fossaert, Mr. Muhumed Hussein Diblawe and Ms. M. Valeria Pasquini opened the 3-day Exhibit (to be held from Dec 1 to 3) to welcome and meet international delegates visiting the Conference to present the World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises and promote the participation in the Side Event scheduled for 3 December.
December 3, 2023
“MSMEs facing energy transition: innovative solutions in finance & technology for value chains” the title of the official Side Event led by the World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (WUSME) at COP28 on December 3 in collaboration with the Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE).
Taking active part in the event, as Speakers and Delegates of WUSME, Ms. Barbara Terenzi, WUSME President, Mr. Michel Fossaert, Dr. Juneja and Dr. Lam Board Members, and Mr. Muhumed Hussein Diblawe, Member of the Permanent Commission on Economic and Financial Issues.
On invitation of WUSME, guest Speakers also contributed to the panel, such as Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of the UNIDO ITPO of Shanghai and Dean of ISID Institute of Shanghai Jiao University, Mr. Bertrand Piccard, Chairman at the Solar Impulse Foundation, and Dr. Arthur Minsat, Head of the Africa, Europe and Middle East Unit – Senior Economist at the OECD Development Centre.
Many and diverse the topics addressed during the Side Event.
Panelists highlighted the need to adopt a new narrative for the climate action and to include adaptation & decarbonization in the framework, strategy and action of businesses. An overview on how SMEs are facing climate change, with particular focus on MENA and African countries, was presented. Panelists also stressed the importance of having an innovative & entrepreneurial clean tech ecosystem to empower green transition of SMEs, shares insights on the Technology & Innovation for and by SMEs to face Climate Adaptation and Energy Transition, emphasized the need for big corporate groups to collaborate with and in support of SMEs, as strategic partners of their value chain, in the decarbonization journey through innovation and technology, collaborating alongside public institutions in targeted initiatives and in a mutual partnership logic. Finally, the importance to mobilize climate finance, promote ESG investments and foster digital/green technology development was recalled for more and faster contributions towards achieving the green transformation of the world’s economy.

From left to right: Mr. Michel Fossaert, Member of the Board of WUSME and Moderator of the Side Event; Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, Executive Director of the RCREEE; Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of UNIDO ITPO Shanghai; Ms. Barbara Terenzi, President of WUSME; Mr. Ken Giultaux, Climate Change Manager at the EpE; Ms. Julia Maris, VP CSR of Engie; Mr. Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, Director at Sustainable Development of Veolia

From left to right: Mr. Muhumed Hussein Diblawe, Member of the Permanent Commission on Economic and Financial Issues; Mr. Michel Fossaert, Member of the Board of WUSME and Moderator; Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, Executive Director of the RCREEE; Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of UNIDO ITPO Shanghai; Ms. Barbara Terenzi, President of WUSME; Mr. Ken Giultaux, Climate Change Manager at the EpE; Ms. Julia Maris, VP CSR of Engie; Mr. Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, Director at Sustainable Development of Veolia

Ms. Barbara Terenzi, President of WUSME

Dr. J.S. Juneja, Members of the Board of WUSME

Dr. George L. Lam, Member of the Board of WUSME

Ms. Xiaolei Zhao, Head of UNIDO ITPO Shanghai, guest Speaker of WUSME

Mr. Bertrand Piccard, Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation, guest Speaker of WUSME

Mr. Arthur Minsat, Head of the Africa, Europe and Middle East Unit – Senior Economist at the OECD Development Centre, guest Speaker of WUSME