WUSME’s mission to represent, support and protect the rights and interests of SMEs and the Crafts worldwide, can be turned into specific objectives, which are:
• act as the main international organization in support of the interests of SMEs in the relevant fora;
• be a strategic resource for SMEs and for their respective representative organizations worldwide, with particular interest for countries with emerging economies;
• represent a link between public and private sector, to create opportunities for partnership, between representatives of different countries and geographical areas, overall and on a specific or thematic basis;
• represent the interests of SMEs at the international organizations, like the United Nations;
• support SMEs in facing and overcoming crises, challenges and problems in the competitive globalized context;
• identify activities and initiatives that properly respond to the specific needs of SMEs and contribute to the implementation of solutions and reforms that can improve the business environment for SMEs in an efficient and effective way;
• facilitate SMEs’ access to know-how, best practices and innovation through training, technology transfer and other services for economic development;
• encourage international cooperation, promoting linkages between SMEs, governments, institutions and value chains;
• promote the creation of business alliances and strengthening the international networks that shall originate opportunities for international trade of SMEs, enabling them to reap the benefits of globalization;
• be a reference point and a means for building and supporting a network, together with all institutions of the civil society, to protect the economic and social foundation of SMEs and encourage them to grow more competitive, sustainable, socially responsible, culturally and ethically sensitive in their commercial relations with important effects on domestic and international economic system;
• encourage entrepreneurship education and professional training, working closely with academic institutions in the different countries, to implement appropriate training programs and create effective international network of intellectual resources for the benefit of entrepreneurs around the world.